Obtaining a Florida certified underground utility & excavation contractor’s license does not have to be a daunting task.
Yes, there are many items that need to be pulled together and there are many ways for things to go wrong, but if you hire Licenses, Etc., we make the process smooth and simple for you.
We will walk you through each step of the process, complete the application information for you, and provide you with exactly what you need to gather the supporting documentation.
Whether you are obtaining a new license, changing from one business to another or wanting to qualify an additional business, we are here for you from start to finish. And if additional documentation is needed for the Licensing Board, we will assist you happily and quickly in meeting all their needs for you to obtain your underground utility & excavation contractor’s license easily.
We have the process down to a science. We know what the Board is looking for, and what needs to be done!
Let us do the work and get you licensed fast!
Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor
“Underground utility and excavation contractor” means a contractor whose services are limited to the construction, installation, and repair, on public or private property, whether accomplished through open excavations or through other means, including, but not limited to, directional drilling, auger boring, jacking and boring, trenchless technologies, wet and dry taps, grouting, and slip lining, of main sanitary sewer collection systems, main water distribution systems, storm sewer collection systems, and the continuation of utility lines from the main systems to a point of termination up to and including the meter location for the individual occupancy, sewer collection systems at property line on residential or single-occupancy commercial properties, or on multi-occupancy properties at manhole or wye lateral extended to an invert elevation as engineered to accommodate future building sewers, water distribution systems, or storm sewer collection systems at storm sewer structures. However, an underground utility and excavation contractor may install empty underground conduits in rights-of-way, easements, platted rights-of-way in new site development, and sleeves for parking lot crossings no smaller than 2 inches in diameter if each conduit system installed is designed by a licensed professional engineer or an authorized employee of a municipality, county, or public utility and the installation of such conduit does not include installation of any conductor wiring or connection to an energized electrical system. An underground utility and excavation contractor may not install piping that is an integral part of a fire protection system as defined in s. 633.102 beginning at the point where the piping is used exclusively for such system.
Requirements & Experience
For an Certified Underground Utility and Excavation Contractor you will need to have 4 years of experience, one year must be as a foreman, or a combination of college and experience doing all of the areas below if you wish to negate the need for board review (college can deduct up to 3 years of experience):
- Installation of:
- Main Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems
- Main Water Distribution Systems
- Storm Sewer Collection Systems